Flying Llama


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Alpacas are fun!

alpacas under a willow tree at great northern ranch

Alpacas: A great complement to llamas


For 23 years, until 2015, our llamas shared the pasture with a herd of delightful, blue-ribbon alpacas.

Our breeding focus was grey and black huacayas, but over the years we bred a few suris and even taught some of our alpacas to pack. (They carry the chips and dip, and leave the big stuff for the llamas!)

While we no longer have alpacas for sale, our experience with hundreds of them has given us insight into their care and a referral network of national and regional resources including breeders, veterinarians, transporters, auctioneers and shearers.

If you are looking for alpaca breeding stock, or have questions about raising them either by themselves or with llamas, feel free to give us a call!

Mannix (alpaca)
Snowmass Sterling Silver
Alpaca mom with cria

Steve & Sue Rolfing Columbia Falls, Montana 406.755.9044

© 1979 – 2024 Great Northern Ranch LLC